Saturday, October 30, 2004

Yes, I know it's 4:30 AM. Hank and I and my nephew, Dennis (who is visiting) and I are up late playing video games. We might as well give him the full college experience: XBox, PS2, lack of sleep, and bad food. Except we went to Wawa so the food is decent.
Reflections on the PMA dance...well...I was kind of a lame date, I suppose. Becky seemed kind of upset and tired throughout the dance--she's got problems of her own. I felt sort of bad for being kind of a dork, but whatever. On the plus side, I got a new suit and shirt for less than fifteen bucks at the Thrift Store when I went costume shopping earlier today.
Pictures to come soon, as soon as Tex can send them to me...


Blogger Dymphna said...

About the nephew: make sure he is returned to his tribe in one piece. Bags under the eyes are okay, though. As is the desire never to see junk food again.

It sounds like the girl in the red dress is out of one of Jamie's songs...was she the Queen of Loneliness? You always remember the lyrics to his songs. So hum it while you consider the evening...

12:24 PM  
Blogger Gryffilion said...

"Queen of Loneliness" wasn't one of the lines of the song, I don't think. But perhaps she was the girl from the song. She is rather a mess right now, and I can't blame her--personal stuff will drag you down sometime.
But I don't know that the "being a mess" is chronic, per se...

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, Will, the DJ was the worst DJ of ever.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Gryffilion said...

Yeah. Some days you lose, and some lose harder. :-P

9:16 PM  
Blogger Dymphna said...

Yeah, and some days the bear eats you and doesn't even burp...

Another rendition of the lyrics: "you're a refugee from the War on Loneliness..."

...There is a call into the lyricist but he's probably doing a gig in Nelson.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Gryffilion said...

I have the lyrics on your computer under Will's Documents, "YOUREAMESS.doc", in case you really need them.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Dymphna said...

I checked your stuff. The line goes "you're a refugee from the war on loneliness."

4:17 PM  

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