Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Mmmkay...just to finish up on that last post. We went to St. Augustine, FL, on Friday, August 20th, and flew home the following day. S.A. was a lot of fun--I may go back someday just to explore. Hot and humid, but a really neat old town. (And by old, I mean, 16th century.) Lots of cool, narrow, cobblestone streets that are just begging to be ambled down. Looks like a neat place to spend a lazy week.
And now I'm back at W & M. Spent the first two days before classes getting moved in, seeing old friends, etc. etc., and now I'm back in the thick of it. Had four classes today--Archaeology, Organic Chem part two, Physucks, and Military Science. MiliSci is pretty hardcore...even for us civilians. I still have to take PT once a week to get credit, though I still haven't figured out whether I have to take the Lab to get credit. The Captain was a little ambiguous about it, and I got my wires crosses. Oh well. More as events warrant. (The whole Lab thing bugs me anyway, since it would require me buying a uniform. But the activities therein sound pretty cool.)
And I found out my friend Constance, from Camp Chanco/Episcopal Youth Community, got into William and Mary and is living across the street from me! So I'm helping welcome her into the W & M community. So far, this is shaping up to be a very interesting and (heh) invigorating semester.


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