Sunday, November 23, 2003

BOONAY! Guess who got initiated into Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia last night? It was awesome...Tex Burke is my big, just like I preffed and just as I suspected for some time, in spite of Yttri's attempts to fool me. After the ceremony we went out for dinner at 2nd Street and told a lot of dirty jokes. All in all a good time.
And now there are a bunch of semi-strangers (I say semi because some of them I've seen before and some of them are complete unknowns) over in Dave's room, ostensibly imbibing distilled alcoholic beverages and impairing various functions. Good times. Spare me, please.
Oh, and here's a great away message Adam Neely had up for awhile. It gives vent to the (well-placed) W & M superiority complex. Enjoy.

Morning Rituals of VA College Students:
Longwood - Milk the cows, gather eggs.
Radford - Finish liquor, take STD shot.
UVA - Find paper online.
William & Mary - Shower, study till class.
VCU - Coke on the way to class, never make it, buy more beer.
Tech - Check rankings, cry.
U of Richmond - Spend parents money at Abercrombie.
JMU - Roll over, introduce yourself.
ODU - Check to see if all things are still there.
NOVA - Learn to tie shoelaces.
CNU - Take packed lunch from mommy, double check to see if your crayons are in your backpack.


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