Saturday, October 18, 2003

Okay, since nobody's emailed me about Caf food or answered the not-as-dorky question, I guess we'll go back to the usual format of me waxing prosaic about random stuff. Maybe I can get grumpy old Andrew to teach me how to use the comments format system.
At any's a blessing to have a coffee maker in my room. Cripes, I feel flamin' human again. Stone the crows, I ain't felt this awake in donkey's year, fair diggum I ain't! Probably ought to go get breakfast, though...I only have a little while until we meet. Thank God for late Saturday classes--I couldn't handle another rise-up-at-7-be-in-trouble-by-noon escapade.
Here's another Andrew-Will conversation. Took place late at night, bien sur.

Andrew: [part of a continuing discussion] Women fall under my charms.
Will: Or into a state of catatonia.
Andrew: That's part of the charm.
Will: Not talking is part of the charm?
Andrew: When I don't talk it's charming.
Will: Now you might have something.


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