Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I still need answers about Caf food, people! Why does everyone hate it so? Yes, I know, it's loaded with sodium...but it just gives it a salty goodness! Although my dinner tonight did taste like it had been stir fried in the Dead Sea. To put it another way: I went back and got pizza because it didn't make me as thirsty. But that was just tonight. For the most part, their stuff is good...and you can get home fries for breakfast! And good coffee! (Fine, OKAY coffee...but then again, I've never had a truly BAD cup.) Donuts! More potatoes! Red meat! Chicken! More potatoes! Pasta! And my personal favorite, the ice cream machine which is right next to all those brownies and cookies and cupcakes. I mean, sure, our selection is limited, but it's usually a pretty good spread.
Then again, I've become innured. I can tell good food when I taste it but when it comes to bad food I'm pretty clueless. I think it's kind of like the PH scale...I can never truly hit 0. Though I can come close.


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